your culinary companion
Making cooking and nutrition awareness convenient by introducing AI into the kitchen.
Learn MoreReimagine The Culinary Experience
At VersaWare, we believe in empowering individuals to explore, create, and savor the art of cooking. Our mission is to revolutionize the kitchen experience through innovative technology, fostering a seamless blend of culinary creativity and convenience.
Versaware unlocks culinary skill in all and provides valuable insights into meals when prepared. Just ask Versa.
Your personal nutritionist and chef at your fingertips
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your way.
In the media
Won USA Today Editors Choice award
At CES, we unveiled our latest innovations, drawing a keen crowd with our interactive demos. Our booth stood out for its blend of technology and design, where we demonstrated the real-world impact of our products. Our team engaged attendees with deep insights showcasing our commitment to advancing technology, one of whom was USA Today which awarded the Editors Choice Award. This event was a significant milestone, highlighting our dedication to innovation and the strong connection we foster with our audience.
Google Cloud Startup Program
Selected to become an AI Google startup due to our commitment to improving people's lives through the use of AI and smart kitchen appliances. This partnership provides Versaware with technical support, Google credits across their platforms and business support. This partnership will accelerate our growth and strengthen our presence as we move forward with one of the largest companies in the world.
Awarded Small Business of the Year
Honored as Michigan Small Business of the Year by MCSB, our team's dedication to excellence and community impact has been recognized. Through our diligence, we've earned this prestigious distinction spotlighting our achievements statewide.
Featured on MBC
ARAM TV presents Seen 2, a docuseries hosted by Ahmed Al-Shugairi which boasts 3.2MM subscribers, our segment attracted 971K views, underscoring our innovative edge. The exposure illuminated our mission and achievements, connecting deeply with viewers and amplifying our message. This pivotal moment on a renowned platform not only expanded our reach but also solidified our impact within the eastern market, marking a significant milestone in our growth and outreach efforts. Give it a glance on YouTube (19:18).
The future of healthy living
Are you a business interested in accessing our tech?
Connect to our SDK for endless recipes, ingredients, and nutritional information driven by AI
Access to hundreds of thousands of recipes and USDA ingredients with multi-layer nutritional comprehension for up to 35 different nutrient types.
Integrate Versa, an intelligent and interactive voice or text based search and retrieval system layered on top of our extensive database.
Build in recipe generation and Versa RAG directly into your products through a seamless API interface.
Get in touch
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